Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Very often, life gives you what you never wished- be it any sort of happiness or sadness. But, as a person one must learn to accept them and move on in life. Things may not be fruitful. Things may not be colorful. Things may not be anything that you want them to be. But, everything becomes meaningful when we learn to accept them.

I have had tough times like any other person on Earth.  But, always made me believe that the current situation is not my final destination. That's one thing my brother repeated over and over through out my 12th grade. It helped  me to have a positive attitude towards my life . Maybe, people might call me crazy for acting chill in tough and insane hours. But, I believe that letting your spirit down in tough times is crazier than anything else. How can one simply let go of your very essence when you need to hold it close to your heart!

People say that life's a roller coaster ride. But I would call mine a cycle ride.  On reading this, you might think that I am stupid or that I am senseless. Well, that's just alright because I just don't let others decide who i am. I call it a cycle ride because I feel that I have a control on my life. I start the ride when I feel i should and I stop the journey when I need to. I can take the turns I want and not take the turns I don't want. If the road's bad, I will try not to fall. If I fall, I  rise and continue my journey the way I should.

It's not that you can lead the life the way you want to. It's just that the life is all about handling the unexpected forces the way it should be handled. It's not about submitting yourself. But, reminding yourself that " The current situation is not the final destination" .

- Meghna Rosa Thomas.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

I wish...

Everyday, I sat
On the benches around the fields.
To see
What i couldn't do.
Everyday,I wished
If i was one among them.
Everyday,I wished
If i could run.
Everyday,I wished
If i could walk.
Everytime i saw them,
I longed for that moment.
All i could do was nothing
But I will do it someday.
As sun hit my head,
My brother sat next to me.
He made me stand on my feet,
And we slowly walked away.

Meghna Rosa Thomas
Colors Of My Life...

The first step I made
By holding their hands.
The day I rang the blues
To get back home.
The day i missed the boat,
The hour I hoped for a better beginning.
The way she held me up ,
Every time I hit the low.
The day I sweat the most,
To bleed the less.
The moments of losses 
And the hours of gains.
I painted the blacks white,
And turned the odds even.
Knowing that I can , 
And I will be the "one".
The laurels that drove me ,
The stones that hit me.
But, the smiles on their face,
Made me happy for a life time.
Did everything for them,
For they became happy for me.
My parents, my life,
Colors of my life!